In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
United Jewish People's Order / Morris Winchevsky School / Camp Naivelt
Secular - Jewish - Social Justice
Red Yiddish is postponed until further notice. We will send out a notice when we resume.
Red (Speak) Yiddish
Calling all Reds, Anarchists, Enviro-feminists and anyone who wants to learn some Yiddish! Red Yiddish, the United Jewish People Order’s (UJPO) Yiddish group, meets bi-weekly on Monday evenings from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. in a downtown neighbourhood. From absolute beginners to fluent speakers. If you've got a farlang to get a bisl more Yiddish into your life, this is the place.
Join facilitators Shayle Kilroy, Lev Jaeger, Ester Reiter to learn and practice Yiddish. All levels are welcome to join, where the perfectly fluent can lead or talk together, in true solidarity. Check our calendar for specific days.
For more information: 416.789.5502 or email