In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
United Jewish People's Order / Morris Winchevsky School / Camp Naivelt
Secular - Jewish - Social Justice
Latkes & Light: An Online Chanukah Delight
Sunday December 13, 2020
This year, we will hold our Chanukah party online. Join with us to mark this celebration, lighting candles together, singing, and showing off our different Chanukah foods together in a panoply of images and voices. Be sure and bring your Chanukiyot/Menorahs!
Rosh Hashonah/Yom Kippur
Saturday September 19/Sunday September 27, 2020
This year, our community observances of Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur will take place online. Join us as we open the New Year with a determination to walk through this moment together into the world we are dreaming of and working for together. Featuring the amazing local Toronto musicians, David Wall and Marilyn Lerner.
Activism Under Lockdown:
Anti-Colonial & Racial Justice in COVID Times
Thursday June 11, 2020 — Online Event
Please join us for this panel with organizers, thinkers, and activists from different movements to discuss how we resist colonial and racial violence in these Covid times.
When Poverty Mattered: Then and Now
Thursday June 4, 2020 — Online Event
Paul Weinberg in conversation with David Buchbinder about how the RCMP Security Service, a prominent right wing columnist and the extreme right targeted the Toronto-based Praxis social research institute and anti-poverty activists in the late 60s and early 70s.
Jewish Resistance Under Nazi Occupation: Lessons for Today
Friday March 13, 2020
Talk and discussion with Suzanne Weiss, author of “Holocaust to Resistance: My Journey.” Beginning her life as a hidden Jewish child in Vichy France, Suzanne Weiss takes us on a journey from Nazi-Occupied France to the U.S. and her life as a dedicated activist in struggles ranging from women's liberation to struggles for racial and economic justice to Indigenous rights to the struggle in Palestine.
Zing! Zing! Zing! into Spring!
Wednesday March 25, 2020
The zingers are at it again. The United Jewish People’s Order’s singing group continue to meet at the Free Times Cafe, regaling all with tales and song in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English. Led by locals Hartley Wynberg and Shifra Cooper, all are welcome to join in...for a meal if you’re hungry, and for the zinging afterwards
Zing! Zing! Zing!
Wednesday February 26, 2020
Leap into February with Zing! Zing! Zing! The United Jewish People’s Order’s informal gathering of all who love song, be it in Yiddish, Hebrew, or English. Zing! meets at the Free Times Cafe and is led by locals Hartley Wynberg and Shifra Cooper. All are welcome! Join for a meal and a bisl song.
Camp Naivelt Mid-Winter Mingle
Saturday February 29, 2020
Camp Naivelt’s annual get together in the city, the Mid-Winter Mingle is for all ages and features: swimming, ping pong, and an art activity organized by UJPO’s Indigenous Solidarity Working Group. And, of course, lots and lots of delicious snacks!
Morris Winchevsky School Purim Party
Sunday March 8, 2020
This International Women’s Day join us in a celebration of brave heroines from the past: Vashti, Esther, and the story of Purim. Our party features interactive activities and games, art-making, the Purim Shpiel (play), pizza and Hamantashn, and more.
Zing! Zing! Zing!
Wednesday January 29, 2020
Let the Zinging resume! C’mon down to Free Times Cafe for the first Zing! Zing! Zing! of 2020. Zing! is the United Jewish People’s Order’s drop-in singing group. Led by local musicians, Hartley Wynberg and Shifra Cooper, Zing! Zing! Zing! is driven by a love of song, Yiddish, English, Hebrew, and otherwise.
Using Humour to Fight the Right: An Alternative Shabbes Potluck
Friday January 24, 2020
Explore humour as a possible tool to use against the Right with an illustrated romp with Harriet and Andrew Lyons. Verbal and pictorial attempts to turn humour against fascism and other right wing ideologies will be discussed. Laughter guaranteed; useful tips, who knows?