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Our Community

A family-oriented, secular Jewish summer community glued together with humanistic, pluralistic and social justice values.

An experiential program

for students from Kindergarten to B'Mitzvah, highlighting secular Jewish culture, history and social justice.

A non-partisan, independent, socialist-oriented, secular, cultural and educational organization. UJPO has branches in Toronto and Winnipeg, with members

in other Canadian centres.

Join us: 

Come to our events which include holiday celebrations and services, talks, work-shops, discussion forums

and community building.

Become a member of our organization or volunteer

on a Board or Committee.

We are a charitable organization.

Consider making a tax deductible donation.


Our Statement of Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian People


Our Comment on Rising Antisemitism and anti-Palestinian Racism


The Jewish Heretics Podcast

The Shandes - Songs of Jewish Resistance


Our Statement on Current Events in Palestine/Israel

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